Borrowing and returning

In the OUTI online library, you can search and reserve materials, renew loans, check your information and pay library fees through online banking. In order to log into the online library, you need a PIN code, which you can apply for at any OUTI library.

You can have up to 100 borrowed works and 50 reserved works at a time. The borrowing periods are 28 or 14 days.

The library observes the age limits for films and games, not lending them to customers under the age limit. For more information about age limits for games and films, please visit

Loans can be renewed if nobody else has reserved the materials. You can renew a loan up to five times in a row. You can renew a loan through the OUTI online library, at the library, by telephone or by e-mail.

You are responsible for renewing your loans or returning them on time. If a loan is overdue, the library will send a request to return it. You can return loans to any OUTI library free of charge. The loan period ends on the due date at the library’s closing time.

You can subscribe to an e-mail reminder of approaching due dates through the OUTI online library. The library is not responsible for overdue loans even if a reminder is not sent to or received by the customer.

If the library has a deposit slot, you can return materials through it while the library is closed at your own risk. If you return a loan through the deposit slot while the library is closed, the return is recorded on the next day that the library is open.

Table and display screen.
Loan automaton at Raahe Main Library. Photo: Kaija Asukas.