

  • Archive, Rantakatu 50, FI-92100 Raahe. Opening hours from Monday to Friday at 8.30 am–3 pm.
  • ICT Services, Rantakatu 8 C, FI-92100 Raahe.
  • Registry, Rantakatu 50, FI-92100 Raahe, kirjaamo [at] Opening hours from Monday to Friday at 8.30 am–3 pm.
  • Service Office/Monetra (Financial Services), Rantakatu 5 D, FI-92100 Raahe. Opening hours from Monday to Friday at 9 am–12 noon and 1–3.30 pm. The Service Office’s desk is open from Monday to Friday at 9 am–12 noon.

Culture and leisure

  • Cultural Services (Raahe Event House), Kirkkokatu 28, FI-92100 Raahe, kulttuuri [at]
  • Library, Rantakatu 45, FI-92100 Raahe, kirjasto [at]
  • Raahe Museum, Rantakatu 36, FI-92100 Raahe, museo [at]
  • Sports Services, Ruskatie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki/Raahela Sports House, Palokunnankatu 28, FI-92100 Raahe, liikunta [at]
  • Youth Services, Kirkkokatu 14A, FI-92100 Raahe, nuoriso [at]

Education and training

Housing and living environment

  • Catering and Cleaning Services, Rantakatu 8 E, 2. floor (door 7), FI-92100 Raahe, ruokapalvelut [at] (ruokapalvelut[at]raahe[dot]fi)
  • Planning, Rantakatu 8 C, 3. floor (door 5), FI-92100 Raahe, kaavoitus [at] (kaavoitus[at]raahe[dot]fi)
  • Technical Services, Rantakatu 8 E, 2. floor (door 7), FI-92100 Raahe, palaute.tekninentoimi [at]
    • Technical Services/Plots and land use, Rantakatu 8 E, 2. floor (door 7), FI-92100 Raahe

Work and vitality

Offices on the map

The offices of the Town of Raahe have been positioned on the simplified map below. You can change the map base with the Map Levels (Karttatasot) button. The map allows you to view the offices positioned on it by zooming in on the map or by searching for offices by address with the location search. To display the address of a single office on the map, select its location icon. The map information is available only in Finnish.    

Enlarge the office location map.